Would you believe me if I said that the Meijer coupon policy has been changed once again? 🙂
Rebecca shared in the comments today that she noticed another revision – most likely this is the result of multiple responses from shoppers seeking clarification and expressing disappointment.
The mPerks digital coupon wording has been changed to make it more clear. Basically, it sounds as if you MIGHT be able to stack mPerks with a paper manufacturer coupon – but you’ll need to read the terms and conditions on each mPerks coupon to make sure it’s not restricted. You may remember that mPerks digital coupons for specific General Mills products in the past had those restrictions (and I never stacked them in matchups for that reason). This appears to be no different.
Of course, this policy seems to be fluctuating quite a bit so you’ll want to try to keep up with the changes!
Coupon Acceptance at Meijer Stores
Meijer accepts manufacturer, Catalina manufacturer, Meijer, Catalina Meijer, mPerks, internet, and competitor coupons within certain guidelines.
- Coupons must be presented on or before the expiration date
- All coupon terms and conditions must be met and validated by the checkout register
- Customers may use one manufacturer coupon (paper or digital) per item.
- Customers may also combine one manufacturer coupon per item with applicable Meijer coupon(s) where allowed under coupon redemption terms.
- Transactions cannot be broken up to avoid coupon stacking restrictions
- Separate checklanes will not be opened or designated for customers with large coupon orders
- Manufacturer coupons and Catalina manufacturer coupons require the Customer to pay sales tax on the full retail amount
- Meijer, Catalina Meijer, and competitor coupons require the Customer to pay sales tax only on the discounted price
- Meijer will accept coupons from major competitors in each store’s trading area, for Grocery and or for Health and Beauty Care items
- Meijer will accept coupons from major competitors in each store’s trading area for General Merchandise items only if the competitor’s price point is included. The item must be the identical item on the coupon for the match to occur.
- Meijer does not accept competitor coupons for beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes, double and triple coupons, clearance, percent off, total trans- action discounts, special promotions, gift card promotions, limited quantity items, mail-in rebate offers, and going out of business sales
- Meijer reserves the right to limit coupon quantities and to determine the order of application of multiple coupons and/or promotions
Some clarification received from Meijer corporate via email:
Please understand that not all of our old information has been updated to the new information. We are still in the process of updating our many sources.
Transactions cannot be broken up to avoid coupon stacking restrictions applies to the doubling of coupons since there is usually a maximum of 2 identical items that can be subject to coupon doubling.
Meijer will accept coupons from major competitors in each store’s trading area with trading area referring to the local shopping area of a store — or city area. In other words, we won’t take competitor coupons for the identical item from a Walmart in Beverly Hills for example.
It still doesn’t state if you can use a competitor store coupon and a manufacturer coupon together. I know that’s what a lot of us are wondering.
You’re right – keep contacting them and asking via the contact form, though. Sooner or later, they’ll figure out that there’s missing information in the policy and they’ll revise. Again. 🙂
I tried to use a target coupon w/ a manufacture’s coupon for General merchandise, but because the coupon did not have the price Meijer did not accept it. The person said if I had an add w/ their price I could have used it. It seems to me from today’s experience that most employees at Meijer themselves are not sure about the policy changes. Some didn’t even know it had changed. So, if you ask different employees there you get different answers, when any.
Wait, so the competitors coupon has to say get $1.00 off toothpaste and the toothpaste costs $3.00 at the competitor? You would never be able to use a competitor coupon if that is a stipulation because they hardly ever have their price for that item and many times the item is not even in their weekly sales ad.
Hopefully Meijer gets their act together and figures this out or I might just go back to Kroger. At least I know their coupon policy and they do.
I believe the stipulation about having a price listed on the coupon is for general mechandise, not grocery or health and beauty as in your toothpaste example. You are correct, coupons don’t usually list a price, just an amount off. Coupons for say a shirt or a garden hose, might list the price of $9.99 and then they would accept it…only if it the exact shirt or garden hose though!
does it still double only up upto 2 identical product? thanks Jenn
I wrote an email to Meijer with my concerns and received the generic response many others did AND an email from the director of my store asking me to contact him directly. I will pass along any new information I receive.
I’m new here, but does anyone else go through the Meijer checkout lane with a big order i.e. over $300.00 worth of food and merchandise and never get coupons. Yet when someone ahead of us spends $15.00, they’ll get 6 coupons and $2.00 off their next order. Is this Meijer’s way of thanking their regular customers??? Fred Meijer must be turning over in his grave! Talk about being taken for granted!
The person in front of you might have gotten coupons based on their order via Catalina’s. They are always changing, but if you buy a certain amount of a single item running the catalina…it then prints you a coupon off your next order. You usually have to purchase 3 or more of the same item to get the coupons…but it just depends. Hope that helps.
It also depends on what you buy that tricker those next purchase coupons.
Thank you jolyn!
I’ll tell you what… I’d prefer if they would just make it easy and say what you cannot do, instead of, you can do this, this and this ONLY if you do this, this and this… I realize why they do this, but they can’t all collude and make life difficult for EVERY person using loyalty and/or coupons. Right now, it’s a way of life. Even if you do make the shopping decision with your $$$ and your feet, at least let your store know why you don’t prefer shopping there.
And, just when I thought I had this stacking/combining thing out… *sigh*
Has anyone noticed that he Mealbox coupons have disappeared?
Mine still there… Hmmm
How many do you see? I see four.
Everyone needs to take a deep breath and relax!!! SLOOOOOOOWWWW DOWWNNNNNN, LOL! 🙂 Their policy on coupons hasn’t really changed. The GM of my store stated that the only new policy is that they now accept competitors coupons and they dont want cashiers letting people break up orders into 4, 5, 6, 7 transactions. He said that mperks and manf coup (paper) are still accepted if mperks is a meijer coupon not mNf. As we all know most mperks were/are meijer coupons. General Mills and some Pilsbury were manf as well
Sorry I hit publish before I was done.
Mperks had been letting the manf coupons from mperks combine with manf paper coupons. Since they were both manf coupons the manf is losing out on the extra money, not Meijer.
So lets all relax guys!!! Smile!!! And be thankful that we are still able to save at all 🙂
My response from their corporate office made it seem like the don’t actually take competitors coupons, but rather price match. I was told they will not take for example a walgreens coupon that is $1 off a certain item. This is also the information that the manager of my local store told me.
Their wording is very bad, they need to re-write so everyone and every store knows what they are supposed to be doing.
Sarah thank you, that’s what I understand it to be as well.
Off topic here, but was never aware that Meijer had a price match policy. Now that I’m aware of it, I see that they do NOT price match grocery or health & beauty ads from competitors. Is his also new or has this always been their policy?
They USED to price match groceries, but they stopped probably 12 years ago or so. They’ve always price-matched general merchandise (not health and beauty) but you need to have the ad with you at the time of purchase (you can’t go back to the service desk afterwards with your reciept)
i work at Meijer as a cashier, n im a couponer, u have always been able to use a manufacture coupon with mperks, our catalina coupons do come from our store but if they say manufactor than they r. n we do take certain coupons from other stores, if it says manufacture coupon we usually take it. If it states that it is only a target or kroger coupon than we do not. I hope this helps a little.
Could someone please correct me if I have any of this wrong?!
-> a competitors coupon IS a coupon which states the store name (i.e. TARGET COUPON) and Meijer will now accept them, correct?
-> a coupon which states MANUFACTURER’S COUPON and also states “redeemable at Target” – is a manufacturer’s coupon with a Target advertisement on it, correct?
-> Meijer will now accept a competitors coupon (in place of a mealbox or mPerks coupon) along with a manufacturers coupon on the same product, correct?
-> do you know if they’ll also accept CVS coupons?
Thank you, in advance, for helping clarify some of my questions!
~ JJ
This is a better question for corporate, I’m afraid. None of us are really all that sure about some of those details, since they weren’t spelled out in the policy. And it appears as those stores might be interpreting them differently.
Thanks for your quick responce! I would “try and see” if they worked but unfortunately the cashiers I usually see won’t have a clue… (I’ve had to explain what mPerks were to a few different cashiers) – Every mealbox coupon I use needs to be okayed by a cashier, so it’s probably safe to assume that a competitors coupon won’t go thru on it’s own…
“Redeemable at Target” is not “Redeemable ONLY AT Target”. Therefore, many other store still treat the coupon as “Manufacturer coupon” which is usually stated on the top.
Jenna and Jolyn,
I think they should let me just write it and interpret it for all stores ** *smile*** ill make it easily understood hehe
The competitor coupon item really needs to be clarified. If anyone finds an answer from corporate – please let me know. One store told me that they now accept store manufacturer coupons (i.e. Register Rewards from Walgreens that say manufacturer coupon) but they have always done that. Another store said they would take a store coupon unless it had the original price on it (very few do that, occasionally a Walgreens ad coupon might have the original and after coupon price). So it seems as the stores are interpreting it nothing has changed.
I was @ Meijer today @ used manufacturer cps together w/mperks with no problem @ all. I also did 4 orders in a row with no problem either. So it was just a typical fri shopping day for me. Yah!!!
Hey Shanna same here had no problem with mperks or meal box and I did 5 order in a row. So all my couponers lets all take a deep breath and SMILE we are still saving our families money
i have a 5.00 off 25.00 grocery order catalina coupon from target. do you think i could use it at meijers?
Hey guys. My Meijer is strictly enforcing the one transactions rule. They are literally making me take my bags out to the car and come back in if I want to do a second transaction. I understand where they are coming from, but this is going to be really really hard! I am going to call corporate and explain myself and see if they might be able to compromise in some way. Please join me, maybe we can get at least a few more transactions per visit or something! (My store was actually kinda awful about it tonight, made me and my friend feel like we were trying to steal from them! It was soooo frustrating!)
How can you tell which mperks are manufacturers coupons and which are not?
Mperks are digital store coupons. All manufactures coupons are printed. Mealbox coupons that are printable off the meijer website are store coupons.
I was shopping at Meijers yesterday and one of the girls who regularly check me out gave me a copy of the printed policy BEFORE it was revised and that is what was distributed to all of the stores to go by… She also told me that it is not beginning until May 1st so mperks and manufacturer coupons should work together until then…
I had a coupon for B1G1 for the Speed Stick deodorant and also had an mperk for 50 cents off 1 speed stick. I bought 2 deodorants and got my mperk off, but it only took off $1.50 for the coupon. Why did it do that? I’m going to call Meijer and ask about it.